Speaking for the Needs of Our Youth
The Diocesan Youth Advisory Council (D.Y.A.C.) is an advisory body to the Diocese of Charlotte’s Office for Youth Ministry. It is comprised of young people from a variety of parishes who act as spokespeople for the needs of youth in the Church.
One of their primary duties is assisting in planning and staffing the diocese’s annual Diocesan Youth Conference. D.Y.A.C. members also assist in various youth ministry roles.
Are you a young person who is interested in joining the D.Y.A.C.?
Diocesan Youth Advisory Council members:
- Are Catholic youth of high school age.
- Represent their local parish and vicariate.
- Are motivated and supportive members of their parish’s youth ministry efforts.
- Possess leadership skills.
- Are actively pursuing a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Are able to meet once a month or when needed, and serve for a one-year term.
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