Feast of the Immaculate Conception

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is typically celebrated on Dec. 8, but in 2024 the feast will be celebrated on Dec. 9. It is a holy day of obligation, and diocesan offices, parishes and schools will be closed.

Cycle Prep Class for Moms & Daughters

CYCLE PREP introduces girls to menstrual cycles, periods and body literacy in a positive, adult-supported environment. This class – designed for mothers and their daughters (recommended ages 9-12) – is designed to help mothers in preparing their daughters to navigate puberty positively while building a foundation that will help them continue these conversations as she […]

All Things New: College Discipleship Retreat 2023

Join college students from across the Diocese of Charlotte for a weekend of prayer, fellowship, and learning about the joy of discipleship. In connection with the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, this year’s discipleship retreat theme is: ‘Behold, I make all things new’ (Rev 21:5). Don’t miss the fun! Register by Friday, Nov. 10.

Mass of Consolation

All are welcome to a special Holy Mass for all those who have miscarried or had a stillborn child. All children are a gift from God and we all mourn the loss of a child in the womb. We also trust that God is merciful and that He is lovingly caring for all precious babies […]

World Mission Sunday 2023

On Oct. 22, World Mission Sunday, Catholics join worldwide in this annual Eucharistic celebration for the Missions of the Church. This year’s theme, “Hearts on fire, feet on the move” (Luke 24:13-35) reminds us that we live out our baptismal call of mission when we are witnesses to God’s love and mercy. Pope Francis invites […]

Retiro Rachel: Sanación después del aborto

¿Está usted o un ser querido buscando curación de los efectos de un aborto? Encuentre sanación y apoyo en un ambiente confidencial y sin prejuicios en un fin de semana de Rachel Retreat. Estos retiros son ofrecidos por la Oficina de Vida Familiar de la Diócesis de Charlotte para hombres y mujeres, tanto en inglés […]

Sidewalk Advocates for Life training

Are you interested in a peaceful, prayerful method of reaching out to women and men entering the local abortion facility and helping them to choose life? If so, Sidewalk Advocates for Life might be for you! This “sidewalk counseling” program uses a compassionate, woman-oriented method to save lives and help women in unplanned pregnancies by […]

North Carolina March for Life

Join the 26th Annual North Carolina Rally & March for Life in Raleigh, the state’s capitol. Organize groups to attend and march under an identifying banner to represent your church, school or community. The event kicks off with a youth rally at 12:45 p.m. at Halifax Mall, the grassy area behind the N.C. General Assembly […]

Charlotte March for Life

Join us for the annual March for Life Charlotte! Part prayer vigil, part public march, the event is meant to be a time of prayer to call attention to the more than 60 million lives lost to abortion since 1973, and the need to end the tragedy of abortion. The march kicks off at noon […]

National March for Life

The March for Life is an inspiring, peaceful, vibrant, and joy-filled rally of women, men, young people and children from all across the country. Every year, thousands of pro-lifers converge on the National Mall and march on Capitol Hill on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling which legalized abortion in […]

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