Duc In Altum
At the Annunciation, Mary was given an invitation that she could refuse or accept. Saying yes would have incredible consequences – literally turning her world upside down. Her youthful heart was ready and her “yes” catapulted her into the most amazing adventure – the salvation of humankind itself. Mary spent more time with Jesus than any of His other disciples. What did she see and how did she respond? How would YOU respond? Ponder these questions and more at Duc In Altum!
What is Duc In Altum?
Duc In Altum is a five-day event – part summer camp, part retreat – designed for young women in the diocese ages 16-19 to explore their relationship with Our Lord and gain a deeper understanding of their present vocation as daughter – Daughter of God, Daughter of Mary, and Daughter of the Church – through talks and time spent in prayer and worship.
Following the example of Mary, the hope is that young women will open their hearts to responding to vocations as wives and mothers, consecrated religious or consecrated lay faithful.
Where does the name “Duc In Altum” come from?
It comes from Scripture: One day, after speaking to the crowds from Simon’s boat, our Lord invited the Apostle to “put out into the deep” for a catch: “Duc In altum” (Lk 5:4). “Peter and his first companions trusted Christ’s words, and cast the nets. “When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish” (Lk 5:6). Duc In Altum! These words still call to us today.
As women, we naturally tend to plumb the depths – whether of our relationships, our emotions, or even reading into facial expressions, voice inflections or written words. We are not satisfied with the surface. For better or worse, we want to go deeper. Do we have the courage to plumb the depths of our interior lives and the fantastic journey of love initiated by Our Lord?
Talitha Koum day camp for young women 12-15

Duc In Altum 2025
A week-long discernment camp & retreat
for young women ages 16-19
Monday – Friday, June 23 – June 27 |
Belmont Abbey College
Online registration for Duc In Altum will open after Easter 2025.
For inquiries, please contact Sister Mary Jacinta at or 704-370-3248.
Talitha Koum 2025
A discernment day
for young women ages 12-15
7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday, June 23 |
Belmont Abbey College
Online registration for Talitha Koum will open after Easter 2025.
For inquiries, please contact Sister Mary Jacinta at or 704-370-3248.