What We Do

Deacons are called to a life of service and exercise their ministry in three ways: Ministry of the Word, Ministry of Liturgy, and Ministry of Charity. Even more important than WHAT a deacon does is WHO he is: He is an image of Christ the Servant.

As a Minister of the Word, a deacon proclaims the Gospel – bringing the Good News of Christ not only to the parish, but to the entire community. In this role he is also called to lead Bible studies and retreats, adult faith formation classes, sacramental preparation and religious education.

Deacons assist the priest, and at times the bishop, in celebrating Mass and other liturgies. They also officiate at baptisms and marriages and bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound.

The charitable work of deacons serves a wide variety of needs, including college students, youth, the poor and homeless, and advocating for social justice, airport travelers and workers, and ministry to those in prison.

However a deacon serves, he always follows Christ the Servant through the pastoral ministry of the bishop.

What does a deacon do?

Outreach Ministries

Deacons minister to travelers and the Charlotte Douglas International Airport community by offering personal, emotional and spiritual support, along with clergy and laity of other faiths.

Contact Deacon David Reiser, Charlotte Airport Chaplain, for more information: 

Deacons serve inmates in prisons, jails and detention centers across the diocese, providing accompaniment, restoration and hope. Contact David H. Coe, Diocesan Prison Ministry Coordinator, for more information:
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