Responsibilities of Stewardship
Being stewards of Church resources means safeguarding Church assets, exercising prudence in financial matters, being accountable to those who provide monetary support to the Church, and complying with all civil regulations. We accomplish this by ensuring strong internal controls, providing an accounting for the sources and uses of funds, and by being a resource for parishes, schools and agencies.
Deloitte and Touche, an international public accounting firm, conducts annual independent audits of the following entities:
- The Central Administration
- Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools
- Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School
- St. Joseph College Seminary
- Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte
- Catholic Diocese of Charlotte Advancement Corp.
- The Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte, Inc.
- DL Catholic, Inc.
- consolidated financial statements of the diocese (which includes all significant entities except for parishes, which report separately to their parishioners).