Confirmation: Sealing the gift of the Holy Spirit

“You did not choose me but I chose you” (John 15:16).

What is confirmation?

Confirmation is one of the Church’s three sacraments of initiation, during which the baptized person is “sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” and strengthened for service to the Body of Christ.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church lists five effects of confirmation: rooting us more deeply as sons and daughters of God, uniting us more firmly to Christ, increasing the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us, rendering our bond with the Church more perfect, and offering a special strength of the Holy Spirit.


The Diocese of Charlotte requires two years of confirmation preparation – ordinarily starting in the 8th grade. Students must have already completed at least two years of religious education in a parish or school setting. In addition to regular classes, students are required to attend weekly Sunday Mass and often attend a confirmation retreat(s).

General diocesan guidelines are below. Contact a parish near you for more information.



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Yes. Adults who have not yet received the sacrament or who are enrolled in a Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA) program should speak to their pastor about options in receiving the sacrament of confirmation.

Confirmation sponsors must be practicing Catholics, at least 16 years of age, who have received the sacraments of baptism, Eucharist and confirmation. If married, the sponsor must be in a valid Catholic marriage. Confirmation sponsors will need to provide a certificate of eligibility from their pastor. It is preferred that one of the godparents present at baptism be a sponsor to show unity in the sacrament from baptism to confirmation.

Yes. The Diocese of Charlotte recognizes that every human being is created in the image and likeness of God. Click here for more information.

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