How do you feel about church?

Do you attend a Catholic church in North Carolina?
Maybe you used to, or think church isn’t for you?

Bishop Michael Martin wants to hear from you in the survey below!

Bishop Martin invites you to reflect on your spirituality and share how the Catholic Church can support you.

Take this confidential survey

The Diocese of Charlotte is gathering input through the Disciple Maker Index
an independent survey for ALL Catholic adults in Piedmont and western North Carolina. The survey is easy and…

  • Fast (10-15 min.)
  • Confidential
  • Open to ALL Catholic adults (practicing or not) who live in the western half of NC
  • Available in 19 languages

You don’t need to be a registered or regular churchgoer – just enter your address to find the Catholic church nearest you and click its survey link.

Questions? Please email us at .


Find a Catholic church near you
Basilica of St. Lawrence
97 Haywood Street, Asheville, NC 28801
Christ the King
1505 M.L.K. Jr Dr., High Point, NC 27260
Christ the King
714 Stone Street, Kings Mountain, NC 28086
Church of the Epiphany
163 Galax Lane, Blowing Rock, NC 28605
Divine Redeemer
209 Lon Avenue, Boonville, NC 27011
Good Shepherd
105 Good Shepherd Drive, King, NC 27021
Holy Angels
1208 North Main Street, Mount Airy, NC 27030
Holy Cross
616 South Cherry Street, Kernersville, NC 27284
Holy Family
4820 Kinnamon Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27103
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