Bishops welcome the increased protections for unborn human lives offered by the “Care For Women, Children, and Families Act.”

May 15, 2023
We welcome the increased protections for unborn human lives offered by the “Care For Women, Children, and Families Act” (SB 20) recently passed by the N.C. General Assembly. We also welcome the millions of dollars of funding to support mothers and families included in this bill.
Together these provisions represent progress toward building a culture of life in North Carolina.
In every human life – from the moment of conception until natural death – the Church sees the image of God and the inviolable dignity of the human person. This is why the Church always stands for life and calls on everyone to defend life. The Church is deeply committed through her social and pastoral outreach to caring for mothers and families at every stage of life.
While this bill is not perfect, we hope it will become law to advance protection for unborn children and support for mothers in need.
Please join us in praying that each human life will be protected and dignified and in working to ensure that every mother, family, and unborn child in North Carolina is surrounded with love and support.
Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis Bishop of Charlotte
Most Reverend Luis R. Zarama Bishop of Raleigh