Promulgated documents and policies
Below is a list of some of the documents and statements issued by Bishop Peter Jugis since 2003. For more information, please contact the diocesan Communications Office.
- 2023: Norms on the Use of Digital Screens and Projection Devices in Churches
- 2023: Pastoral Priorities for the Diocese of Charlotte
- 2021-2022: Opening of the Diocese of Charlotte’s participation in the worldwide Synod on Synodality, and the concluding Diocesan Synthesis
- 2021: Diocese of Charlotte Family Life Office established
- 2019: Announcement and launch of the Diocese of Charlotte’s Accountability website
- Reaffirmed in 2007 and 2019: Lutheran-Catholic Covenant Renewal
- 2016: Diocese of Charlotte Protocols for Ministering with all Minors
- 2013: Rebranding of Catholic Social Services to Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte and expansion of Catholic Charities ministries throughout the diocese
- 2009: Diocese of Charlotte Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry
- 2009: Marriage Preparation Policies for the Diocese of Charlotte
- 2006: Pastoral letter on Comprehensive Immigration Reform with the bishops of North Carolina, Georgia and South Carolina
- 2005: Diocese of Charlotte Eucharistic Congress founded
- Ash Wednesday 2004: Public apology to clergy sex abuse victims and full homily text