Criteria for Admission

  1. Be a Roman Catholic in good standing for at least five years at the time they apply.
  2. Must be able to acknowledge freedom from all canonical impediments (Code of Canon Law 1041).
  3. Married men must be in a stable marriage for at least five years at the time they apply.
  4. Married men must acknowledge that they must remain celibate should they become widowed after ordination as a deacon.
  5. Unmarried men must acknowledge that they are obliged to observe the law of celibacy and such applicants must acknowledge a full understanding of this requirement.
  6. Demonstrate a faithful service in a parish and/or in the diocese, and, is well integrated and accepted within his parish.
  7. Be able to provide a strong, personal recommendation letter from the pastor of his parish and a permanent deacon in the Diocese of Charlotte. If he is a member of current parish less than five years, a letter of recommendation must also be obtained from the pastor of his previous parish.
  8. Possess a willingness to bring to maturity a lively ecclesial conscience and willingness to being formed in ministry for a spiritual life characterized by obedience and fraternal communion.
  9. If invited to go forward in the process, he (and with his wife) must commit to full participation in the two-year aspirancy phase through regular attendance, participation and cooperation with all activities.
  10. If invited to go forward in the formation process, he (and with his wife) must commit to opening his life to formation for approximately three years. This includes attending sessions approximately two Saturdays a month and completing all assignments as directed throughout the formation period. If married, his wife is expected to attend all sessions for at least the first year, then as directed for the remainder of formation. This commitment also includes prioritizing formation over other ministries as directed by the Diaconal Formation Team.
  11. Must provide a recently issued baptismal certificate with all notations and all sacramental certificates as required. In addition, if applicable, he must provide any documentation regarding any prior marriages and annulment proceedings and decisions.
  12. Be at least 32 years old and not older than 63 at time of applying.
  13. Demonstrating maturity, stability and overall psychological and physical health.
  14. Be free of any substance dependency.
  15. Be able to provide the material resources to care for himself and his family, and capable of running his own household.
  16. Have internet access and sufficient skills to meet course expectations for online courses and communications.
  17. Demonstrate the ability to successfully complete the academic courses that are necessary in the formation process.
  18. Provide proof of U.S. citizenship or permanent residency, and, be a resident of the Diocese of Charlotte for at least five years at time of applying.
  19. Must be in compliance with all requirements for volunteers in the Diocese of Charlotte (e.g., Protecting God’s Children, Safe Environment, and background check).
  20. For those recently widowed, at least three years should elapse prior to acceptance into the formation program.

Criteria for Admission: Wives

  1. Consents to and supports her husband’s application to diaconal formation.
  2. If her husband is accepted to aspirancy and formation, agrees to support his participation in each program.
  3. Exhibits honesty and a spirit of cooperation with the Diaconal Formation Team.
  4. Agrees to participate in a psychological evaluation of her husband during aspirancy.
  5. Agrees to attend interviews with Formation Team members as invited.
  6. Agrees to attend all of the sessions during the aspirancy period and during formation, unless given the option not to attend.
  7. Demonstrates maturity, stability and overall psychological and physical health.
  8. In addition to stability of family life, married candidates cannot be admitted unless their wives not only consent but also have the Christian moral character and attributes which will neither hinder the husband’s ministry nor be out of keeping with it.
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