Archives and Records

The Office of Archives and Records is the official repository for the records of the Diocese of Charlotte. The role of the Archives is to identify, collect, preserve and make available all historically and canonically significant records, documents, artifacts and works of enduring value that pertain to the operation and history of the Diocese of Charlotte, its parishes, agencies, institutions and people.

Sacramental records

Sacramental record requests must be made through the parish at which the sacrament was administered. If the parish closed, its records were transferred to a neighboring parish. A map of all parishes in the Diocese of Charlotte is available here.

School records

Diocesan schools maintain their own records. To obtain a student record from a diocesan school still in operation, contact the school directly. Requests for records for closed schools should go through the Catholic Schools Office (Dawn O’Connor, director of school operations, 704-370-3271 or ).

Contact Us

Mindy Jarrett

Archivist and Records Manager

Deacon Matthew Hanes

ARCHIVes assistant
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