
Through a range of academic programs, athletics and extracurricular activities, our schools foster the development of leadership skills such as self-motivation, accountability, and strong work ethic to set your child’s foundation for the future. We invite you to apply today!

Admission Steps

Applications for all 20 schools are handled online, generally following the steps outlined below. Details for the Charlotte-area MACS schools – including required documents and placement testing information – can be found online at Details for other schools are on their respective websites: search our school directory.

The admissions process begins with early admissions in November and general admissions in March, continuing as space is available. All schools operate on a rolling admissions basis until all spots are full.

All students entering pre-kindergarten must be 4 years old on or before Aug. 31. All kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before Aug. 31.

Questions? Call the individual school or the MACS Admissions Office at .

Step 1

Use the Find a School tool to choose the school(s) you are interested in exploring.

Step 2

Contact the school directly to arrange a time to tour the school. A personal tour is a great way to ask questions specific to that school and to help determine if the school is the right fit for your family. 

Step 3

The online application allows you to start at either a specific school’s website, or at Applicants are encouraged to call the Admissions Office with questions anytime throughout the process.

Step 4

Along with the application, applicants must submit a birth certificate and proof of a physical exam and immunization records. Additionally, families who wish to qualify for participating Catholic tuition rates must submit a baptismal certificate and completed parish participation voucher. Some schools may ask for the student’s most recent years of grades and standardized test scores. MACS high schools require principal and teacher recommendations and transcripts.

Step 5

Payment of the application fee is the final step in submitting the online application. Fees vary by school and are non-refundable. Pay by credit card, bank draft or check. Details are online
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